How to Rescue electrocution?

When a person electrocution electricity enters the body and it also causes numbness and tingling until the heart stops beating suddenly. This may cause an injury where shock, burns or skin ulcers. However, in cases of extreme shock, it can affect the brain and heart. For the heart can lead to rapid heart, leading to heart attacks and sudden death. For the brain to become seizure and even mental illness. Thus, understanding how aid cases electrocution least can help victims of the above.

Here's what you should do when confronted with those electric shocks:
Before you help them look around, if there is something dangerous or not, because electricity can pass through discharge water or metal. Make a phone call immediately.
Then try to pull the victim from the source claimed. You can disconnect the electricity. If you can not do that, let's stand on the spot or cross currents like a piece of wood or a dry place and use a push stick victims source of electricity. Do not touch the victim manually transfer because it can seize.
After taking the victim away from the power source and to cock and laid his head on his hand himself. Knee transparency of the victims and check their breathing.
If the victim is breathing a little inflammation you can wash it with water from the tap. Do not use a blanket over the victim because it's denim blanket can get caught in the ass.
If there is bleeding, bleeding through the use of clean and dry cloth stopped bleeding and use the hard way not to bleed .

Start massaging the heart and lungs (CPR) if the victim is not breathing. Do not do CPR when the victim is not breathing.
Remember, the person who is injured by electrocution need urgent medical attention, although they look much better after accident . Your doctor may check for burns, fractures and other injuries, and if necessary, can be further tests such as ECG, blood tests, CT scan or MRI.

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