What you need to do to help people drowned?

Assuming that you can take the victim out of the water, on land, and what you need to do something else, then?
      Rescue you have to do is reach only half that. Helping victims drowned or swallowing into its breath, the rescue work is half that you have to do, and it all two are of the same importance in helping to save the lives of victims.
      Saving the victim's life is like blowing air into the mouth. Certainly you should implement strategies that are generally safe and every possible circumstance. If you have a penis pump air in your emergency bag, you have to use it. It will help provide safe recovery rather than by blowing air into the mouth where it can help protect you from AIDS and other contaminants.

     But you must call for help before you start to implement a form of emergency.

The way of salvation by blowing breath through the mouth for cases of drowning

· The status of the victim's head to the side to allow water to flow out into the victim's mouth and nose. Then put the victim's head straight back.

· Begin rescue breathing by blowing air through the mouth on the mainland, if possible, or in the water if the victim needs immediate relief that they can is facing the loss of life.

· The wind blew strong oral 4 times into the victim's mouth, you need to shut their noses. This method can make the wind kicked out, which put in the airways and lungs of the victims.

· After you have breathed 4 times, and then you have to put your ear close to the victim's mouth and monitoring chest to look for signs their breathing.

· To check the pulse of the victim's survivors.
· Start implementing this form again.

  You do not quit when the victim began breathing and swallowing. In fact, within 48 hours after there is a risk of drowning, it can be the most dangerous time. Complications that arise due to the risk of swallowing include: pneumonia, infection, heart failure, all of them can be expected during hours. So you should be forwarded drowning victims to the hospital.

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