10 Natural way to eliminate toxins from the body

Clean or eliminate toxins in the body is an important factor in maintaining physical function in the smooth operation and better overall health. The concentration of toxins in the body is causing the pain, cramps, digestive problems, skin and make you feel fatigue . When you decide to expel toxins from the body, then you should stop unhealthy lifestyle: drinking, smoking, drinking coffee , eating foods containing fats and reducing sugar in food. Besides this, you should implement the following 10 natural ways to eliminate pollutants from the body:

1. Drink plenty of water
This is a simple point that everyone must do. Water is a liquid and not everyone lacks drinking is an easy way to clean toxins from the body. In addition, if you can squeeze lemon juice into a glass of water and drink it every morning, it will help make your body adequate hydration, stimulates the digestive system to function better by eliminating toxins from the body.

2. Exercise to sweat
Exercise not only can improve the digestive system and blood circulation is better, but it can eliminate toxins from the body through this sweating. Regular exercise also helps to eliminate toxins from the body regularly. The steam or sauna also helps to release toxins through the heat makes us sweat However, it can not provide the benefits are as good exercise directly.

3. Eat Natural foods
You should prepare a colorful foods with foods rich in fiber to wash the body while it also gives the body of nutrients. Meanwhile, you should also add a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains into the daily diet.

4. Drink Green tea
Instead of a cup of coffee into a cup of green tea beverage for breakfast in the morning was the best way to neutralize the toxins out of the body . This is because green tea is rich in antioxidants, helps maintain skin and body fluids and control appetite of appetite as well as help clean the blood and liver.

5. Peeling or older cells
The use of cream leather polish or oil massage is one way to eliminate toxins from the skin and pores. This will help improve the flow of blood to run smoother and expel toxins from the body through the outer layer of the skin and facilitate feel relieved the correct tension.

6. Reduce the intake of​ carbohydrates
Simple carbohydrates such as sugar and detergents are concentrated in the body, it can also be a collection of poisons too. It can cause blood sugar levels increase or decrease, the impact on the process of digestion. Instead, you need to choose foods that are rich in fiber and carbohydrates to help keep your digestive system working properly.

7. Body massage
The massage is performed by an expert body will make you relaxed and helps release stress and toxins. Particular emphasis on any part of the body where the concentration of toxins will help it out. Drink after massage and help to cleanse the body of toxins will be out of the body through the small bowel after drinking.

8. Avoid environmental pollution
It's the most important thing that you should avoid staying in a toxic environment, as it will make you breathe and absorb these gather inside. You must try to stay away from where the air or toxic gases as much as possible.

9. Manage Stress
Stress may hinder effective body and interfere with other products of the hormones in the body. It also disrupts the body's self-cleaning. Not only stress will make you have symptoms such as fatigue and other diseases. Should you choose to do something that can make you feel relaxed and happy.

10. Eating fruit juice instead of food
Drink beverages, fresh fruits or vegetables can help your body fresher and younger. You can replace the dinner, a fresh juice mill, you will have the skin as well as toxins are purged from the body.

Symptoms that you should be concerned at the lack of potassium in the blood

No doubt you know that the balance of electrolytes in the body is very important, especially to facilitate the functioning of the heart once, but if there's a lack of national police potassium may face several health complications, such as problems in the digestive tract. Here I will show some of the symptoms of the problem, the lack of potassium in the blood, which you should be concerned.

Stiff muscles
The decrease of potassium will cause functional damage to muscle weakness, muscle spasms and muscle Twist (cramps). If you do not care about it, it will cause a lack of nutrients in the cells and damage that leads to muscle spasms and muscle aches.

Abnormal heartbeat
The function of the heart muscle is controlled by electrical system. However, the lack of potassium in the direction ventricular leads to heart beats.

Gastrointestinal problems
There were not many people who know that constipation and bloating may be a sign of a lack of potassium, because when Mesopotamia not enough calcium, it will cause the muscles in the gut can not work well.

Tim stagger and dizziness
The fireplace yuan nutrient balance of water and electrolytes liter was interrupted when potassium deficiency. It will also cause kidney and cause a lack of blood pressure plus symptoms Lighting and dizziness.

Frequent urination
When the kidneys are not able to maintain fluid balance and electronic fireplace yuan nutrient potassium deficiency, it will cause severe dehydration and loss caused to be busy and thirst that they are all symptoms of dehydration and potassium.

Hair Loss
Potassium deficiency may cause increased sodium around the hair or who are unable to absorb essential nutrients hair grows. Thus increasing potassium intake may help solve hair loss and stimulate hair growth.

"Bananas" you should eat each day to health

1. Banana is the first choice for players
Bananas provide quick and lasting energy. Studies have shown that only a banana can provide energy for 30 minutes to exercise.

2. Cardiovascular disease prevention
Eating a banana for breakfast, lunch and dinner daily can provide adequate potassium and reduce the risk to disease blood clotting coronary heart disease, stroke, cerebral veins diabetes and hypertension.

3. Increase bone mass
Potassium in bananas can reduce the side effects that are caused by salt diet where you eat. Bananas can help reduce bone and dental health problems such as tooth decay and osteoporosis.

4. Treat depression
When you are upset, eat a banana or two to ensure that you will get some relief as well. Bananas help you feel better and happier.

5. For women who have a monthly menstrual problems or after menopause should eat bananas every day.

6. Blood donors
Bananas contain high iron it stimulates the production of hemoglobin in the blood, so it can help those who are suffering from lack blood.

7. Lower Blood Pressure
Even the FDA also approved and allowed the banana industry to help reduce high blood pressure and stroke.

8. Strengthen the capacity of the brain
Studies have shown that students who eat bananas Students often energetic and fast strokes better than students who did not like bananas.

9. Constipation Treatment
Bananas contain a high fiber so that frequent constipation should eat a banana every day.

7 bad habits that damage to heart health

The heart is an organ among the most important organ in the human body. Ultimatum charge pump blood and deliver essential nutrients to the body to function properly. However, some of the daily routine of some made impact on heart health and a person that you do not even conscious . Here are the bad habits damage to heart health, 7 point that some individuals do often:

1. The regular use of alcohol:
Occasional drink 1 glass does not affect the health of the heart. But if you drink everyday heart problems. The excessive use of alcohol would affect bone health, liver health, memory and increase the risk of heart disease, as well as pressure. Cut off the alcohol intake can help reduce the risk of heart disease by 50 percent or more.

2. liked salt intake:
No food will be a taste if you do not put salt choeb that this is true. However, many people have exceeded this number and made themselves at risk of high blood pressure. Hypertension is a major risk factor for heart attack and stroke. So before deciding to add salt in food, they should think 2 times.

3. The unprecedented exercise:
Lack of exercise is another cause of heart disease and diabetes type 2. When a person has no physical activity, body weight will increase as well. By slowly gaining weight is bad for the heart. Overall, it is a major source that causes a devastating disease. Instead of keeping the body active through regular exercise or other action by force good for mental health, promote heart and brain perform its function properly, improve blood flow, as well as the air supply enough oxygen to the cells.

4. Along its drowning in anxiety and depression:
Depression / anxiety and stress is a major psychological impact on the overall health, including heart health, too . If ignored, treat or eliminate, it will reduce the immune system, energy levels, reduced appetite and loss affects the nervous system. Remember that feeling is negative thinking is actually harm the heart.

5. Eating habits:
Often individuals who practice it rarely cared whether the food intake provides health benefits or . Overall the food they eat is mostly rich krasakrai to fat, sugar and salt. These foods other than to make obesity is also the main reason leading to heart disease.

6. Smoking:
Smoking is a killer who killed quietly. Despite all this, but there are hundreds of millions of people in the world still use it. Statistics showed that cigarettes are responsible for the lives of the world, about 30 percent. Cigarette smoke makes people with cancer of the mouth, throat, lungs, and heart disease.

7. Insufficient sleep:
Sleep deprivation can lead to hormonal imbalances and that this problem affects the heart yuan serious hours. In addition, not enough sleep also urged Stress levels rise too high.

Understanding of some of the symptoms caused by the hot weather

Be noted that the last few years, district heating of the planet called natural disasters increasingly making a the number in the world suffer the effects of this destruction not less. Remember, a year ago, India met drought scorching hot beyond civic resistance living in the country killed hundreds of attacks from natural factors.

Here are some of the symptoms caused by the hot weather, such as:
- Sweating
- sickly
- Body anemia
- The skin is always glued
- Rapid pulse
- Nausea or vomiting
- Fainting

How to save when you encounter these problems:
- Change direction to cool place
- Horizontal wells and clothing, and a longer breathing
- Wipe with a cold towel on herself exercise for cooling
- Eat slowly and do not force
- If vomiting continues, should send him to the hospital immediately because a critical condition.

Temperature heat that causes fainting at the highest level:
- Its temperature above 39.5 degrees Celsius
- Skin blemishes, red, dry skin or dry
- Rapid pulse summer sling
- Can lose consciousness.

Overall, the human body, if we suffer the effects of extreme hot weather makes the skin dry fatigue physical fatigue, anemia dehydration in hot gasps could lead to fainting ... all this requires a rescue urgently.

The benefits of a cold shower

Fighters ancient samurai sword always use cold water poured a bucket over their every morning they believe that doing so can cause you to feel pure and clean their body well. Whether it does so or not, it certainly helps to enlarge them feel good. At least it's really important that you will need in the morning but all the rest is a cold shower will give you many benefits. However, this cold shower does not mean that you have poured cold water on you as you fight samurai sword, but you can start with a warm shower and then end it with a cold shower. You just finished bathing in the last few minutes with cold water, it may also provide you with the amenities,

The following are some of the benefits of a cold shower:

1. Make better circulation
Warm water can cause circulation to your skin, while the cold water makes a reverse movement back to the flow of blood back to your organs by keeping them warm. This method can boost your blood system the better it will help regain the toxins from your body. Circulatory system healthy, which will help prevent high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries and increase the speed of recovery from physical active gym.

2. Skin and healthy hair
You are always advised to wash your face with warm water because it can open up your pores. Your pores should be made clear that was pretty good, but it is also critical to closing it down with cold water deleted. This method can prevent your pores from the congestion of oil and dust it can easily cause you out. It also narrows the blood vessels, which may reduce the swelling on the face and also protect splotches may appear circles around the eyes. For healthy hair, it can also affect the same. It closed pores with hair around it will help keep your scalp healthy and protected simply gather dust on the scalp. The water is warm, it can be used to clean up the natural oils out of your skin, the body will create more than before. This will make your scalp becomes dry or oil than before. So cold shower is a more desirable option for you.

3. Make stronger immune system
Studies have shown that women who shower with cold water regularly will be able to have the number of white blood cells is higher compared to women who choose a warm bath. White blood cells are the immune system cells that would be involved in protecting the body against infection, the risk of strange objects in the body and disease some of the other. Metabolic levels are increased by a cold shower will occur because your body tries to generate heat for itself can cause the immune system more active and also create more white blood cells.

4. Empt depression and boost welfare has improved
A cold shower in the short term is that it stimulates the major brain which will help alleviate the situation of depression. It would also maintain the balance of the autonomic nervous system, which can not only make your spirit bright, but it also these can be relieved and also a stressful situation.

The difficult part of a cold shower first, is the starting point when the body is cold water pouring over. But it is a natural body to graft itself to such situations later.

3 indicates that avocados good for heart health

A study published in Journal of Clinical Lipidology found that eating avocados can maintain good heart health. So eating avocados not only help control cholesterol but also helps prevent the influence of the heart. Avocados contain fat Monounsaturated Fats (MUFAs) healthy fats, fiber and antioxidants. After all, this fruit has 3 properties that can help a healthy heart.

Healthy fats
Major cause of coronary heart disease is a growing national cholesterol in the arteries that lead to clogged arteries. However, you can reduce the risk of this by keeping cholesterol levels under normal. You just have to increase the consumption of MUFAs and PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids). These healthy fats not only reduce total cholesterol and bad cholesterol but also helps increase the amount of cholesterol cholesterol slightly.

Avocados contain vitamins C, E and K, a fat-soluble vitamins and antioxidants so great it will help you manage your cholesterol good cholesterol. Antioxidants help prevent the oxidation of bad cholesterol, so it would not cause clots in the arteries, causing heart disease .

A diet rich in fiber will not only help improve the health of metabolism but also help maintain healthy cholesterol levels to normal. Avocados contain soluble fiber, which helps absorb bile and emissions from manure. To deal with the loss of synthetic liver bile will start more bile is cholesterol, so it will reduce cholesterol bad blood out.

Flu season, should prevent this disease.

Summer passed and winter came, and the more people will have the disease, particularly flu. Here we show how to avoid the disease.

Hands clean
When most people always face, nose and mouth that such an act could cause infection if they have virus took hold.
- Clean your hands are always out of the bathroom and before eating.
- Put water to wash their hands constantly. Wash water, choose a product which is good, especially with the guidance of a physician for his hands anytime.

Use lotions or moisturizing product
If you find your wrists start to dry or very cards and then use lotions or moisturizing product.

Avoid those with far better 
Near or close to the patient may be more likely to cause infection. If you are close to the sick, then you make sure that you wash your hands well after contact with them.

Strengthens the immune system through diet and exercise
Go outside for a walk, run or bike in the yard around the house sometimes. Eat more fruits and vegetables, especially foods that are high in vitamin C. While taking multi-vitamin also benefits.

More relaxed
If you feel stress or upset, you will soon be born. So let's make sure to sleep at least 8 hours and spend time doing things they liked a lot. Self care is very important when you want to be healthy.

Samsung Galaxy Galaxy S7 edge and S7 was officially unveiled in Cambodia

Samsung has developed the program to meet around trading partners to launch Samsung Galaxy S7 edge and Galaxy S7 officially on the market the country on March 16, 2016, in the hotel Raffle Le Royal, while orders both autodrome this growing beyond expectations, both in the country and around the world.

Phone Galaxy S7 edge and Galaxy S7 modern and the most recent Samsung are very well known and prominent across the country with the newest technology of mobile phone models, the new customers and fans are looking forward eagerly to become Smartphone models recently.

Galaxy S7 edge S7 and Samsung as the top smartphone Samsung's first hybrid-powered dual SIM slot usage or add more memory, up to 200GB. Both smartphones also enhance capabilities such as protection IP68 dust and waterproof camera and Dual Pixel Lens with 1.7 (Aperture 1.7) which can capture a clear and quality as professional cameras.

For all customers who subscribe top smartphone Galaxy S7 edge or Galaxy S7 ceremony in showrooms in shopping malls, the sun on 19 March 2016, since from 8 am to 6 pm You will receive Gear VR which cost 130 US dollars a free and a chance to win the license $ 100 already. In addition, you also get a local SIM from which voucher worth up to $ 720 and protein Internet 6GB 0% interest rate for installment with Aeon.

According to IDC Analyze the Future, said that Samsung is still the telephone incident No. 1 in the world with sales of 85.6 million units in Q4 2015, up 14% compared to last year.

About Samsung Electronics co., Ltd
The company is a global leader in technology, offering new possibilities for people everywhere. Through innovation and discovery, constant We are changing for the better the world of television, smartphones, tablets, PCs, cameras, home appliances, printers, LTE systems, medical devices, which use electrical systems and solutions, network systems LED. We are leading ion Internet (Internet of Things), which has many intelligent devices and have cooperated well and active in various industries. We employ 319,000 people across 84 countries, with annual sales of 196 billion US dollars.

Why do you need to be aware of their own blood group?

Blood type is not something that just has to have in your identification. It can help protect you from the risk of health, can know the needs of their own blood, to help other people in emergency situations and possible an important decision as well.

The findings suggest that it may have a certain relationship between type of blood group status to a number of diseases. Here are 4 reasons you should be aware of their own blood group:

1. It could save your life if you have accidents
The risk of eventual disaster or emergency surgery are in need of blood transfusions. You may need it immediately. If you are aware of it or written log in health in the hospital, you will get an immediate blood transfusion and access to health care timely. Although in the case of breast cancer, you will also be able to achieve some prevention before.

2. It is a determining factor in planning family
Before you were married, you need to know whether you and your partner have a child together? Health professionals said some blood types should not melt or fertilization together. For couples with RH + ve and RH-ve is likely to give birth to babies who will have health problems. So it is good that you both should be tested to determine whether the blood of the two could be together or not?

3. It helps you control your diet
Certain blood types seem to be vulnerable to the recurrence of diabetes and heart disease. In fact, there are some blood groups are suitable to eat vegetables only. Some people are doing determining the consumption of foods that contain carbohydrates, because their blood will not be able to get them.

4. It allows you to be careful with some advance
The study claims that women with blood type O is the high levels of the hormone FSH, which will show that they have fewer ovulation in the uterus, which can lead to their fertility rate is low. However, it is not the only reason that causes this problem. It was also found that for those who have blood types A, AB and B are at high risk to the disease heart. This is because blood types A, is closely linked to cholesterol, LDL cholesterol. Moreover, type O can prevent blood clots and reduce the risk of disease.

Comparison of the benefits of Moringa leaves to other foods

Moringa leaves are so many benefits for human health. Other parts of the Moringa plant is able to give us to eat. This way of using moringa plants are also different needs of people, it has been used since the seeds or leaves and enjoy great popularity in Asia and Africa. Moringa leaves are commonly used, especially in Cambodia, the Philippines, India and South Africa.

In some areas its fruit are eaten and generally Moringa leaves are eaten as much as possible. Its flowers can eat when it is cooked, it tastes like mushrooms. Bark, roots, leaves, and flowers of the Moringa is used to make traditional medicines in many countries.

The benefits of Moringa leaves to use as a traditional medicine

Moringa plant is used in many ways to create a medicine. Its leaves are also provided to breastfeeding women to eat well as it could help increase a woman's milk production.
Carrots contain vitamin A 1.8 mg Moringa leaves contain up to 6.8 mg
Milk contains calcium 120 mg Moringa leaves contain 440 mg
Bananas contain potassium, 88 mg compared with Moringa contains up to 259 mg
Yogurt contains protein, 3.1 gram, Moringa leaves it up to 6.7 grams
Oranges contain vitamin C, 30 mg and Marum to 220 mg.

Drink tea properly will provide many benefits

Eating a lot of benefits for your health, but unless you know how to drink and brewing techniques well. Weight loss can help make it feel fresh rid of toxins and replenish fluids.
Here we will advise you on how to eat to get the greatest efficiency and the benefits that you have ever known:

1. Drinking hot tea
Tea tastes good and benefit immediately after tea, but nutrition and its importance will decline while longer.

2. Do not drink too much
Despite giving more importance to health, but eating much or too much can cause stomach problems and insomnia, etc. . Generally, you can put only 4 grams into a warm bath, 250 ml to 1 tea cups. You should not eat more than 12 to 15 grams per day.

3. The best time to drinks between meals
Do not drink tea immediately before and after eating, because it can cause stomach problems, hunger and indigestion.

4. Do not drink tea mixed with drugs
Tea contains tannin, it can interact with medications. You can drink tea after eating a few hours.

5. Green tea is a good choice for office staff
Green tea contains catechins, which helps prevent radiation computer moisturizing body and keeps you fresh and flexible.

Why you should eat plenty of Pineapple

Everyone has a tubular tire, green, brown or yellow and has a head shaped like a crown of thorns and leaves old green. Meat vessels doldrums everyone's yellow and sweet and sour tastes shaped. The area near the bottom of the fruits are loaded with sugar, so just as it has a sweet taste and soft flesh.

Health benefits of pineapple include:

It makes you less risk of high blood pressure. Hypertension occurs when there is extreme pressure stresses on the walls of arteries when blood is running. A better way in the fight against this disease, you need to enter the amount of potassium along with sodium levels slightly into your diet to lower blood pressure. Everyone is really beneficial fruits for patients with high blood pressure, because in a glass of pineapple juice contains sodium About 1 mg of potassium and about 195 mg.

Help your weight loss. Eating fruit, people can reduce your sweet tastes of very high and because its naturally sweetened fruit everyone help you away from a lot of sugar, which will lead to calories. The inclusion of a lot of people use to your diet will also help you to lose weight because of pineapples can make you feel fuller without the fat gives you anything.
Keep your eyes healthy. Again and again, studies have found that pineapple protect against common eye problems related to your age because it contains anti-oxidant levels.

Because it is a source of vitamin C, pineapple can help you in the fight against many diseases. Pineapples is that it contains vitamin C, which can help protect the body from free radicals that damage healthy cells good. Containing free radicals in the body too much, then it leads to recurrence of the disease, such as: heart disease, diabetes and many other cancers. Vitamin C is considered an anti-oxidant that can be dissolved in water has a crucial role in the fight against substance that causes the disease in your body we. It is also a powerful protection against the flu and make the system has improved wonderfully.

To heal constipation and irregular bowel movements. Pineapple contains a lot of fiber, making it highly effective in treating constipation and irregular bowel movements.

Your skin is beautiful. Everyone contain enzymes that make skin elastic and moist skin, remove dead cells and damaged body . Therefore, just as it makes your skin and shine. Enzymes contained in this fruit can also help fight free radicals that damage the skin by creating a brand old wrinkles.

Let's learn about the food that causes severe Dehydration

Dehydration is a major problem, especially in the summer time and there are so many people who need the hospital did not know they dehydrate severe dehydration due to something. Therefore, we recommend foods that are considered causes leading to severe dehydration.

Energy drinks
The gymnast bought energy drinks to drink in order to be able to exercise and improve fluid leap. However, consumption of such beverages can cause the symptoms of dehydration in the expansion. This is because it has a high sugar cause more water out of the cell or osmotic called pressure. In some cases, cause diarrhea.

Foods rich in protein
The cause of dehydration often than another is to eat foods rich in protein. Remember, your protein intake should increase with food rich in carbohydrates, if not dehydrate.

Lemon juice
Lemon juice has many health benefits, but if you eat it every day by more than the amount it would affect diuretic, so you will frequent urination and dehydration of the body. So you can mix warm bath water or green wedge.

Coffee is a beverage that we tend to eat, but it also has a diuretic effect. Eating too much coffee just makes you urinate more and dehydration, headache and other symptoms. What is important is that the intake of caffeine do not have to have as many as 110 mg per day.

Salty foods
Eating foods high in sodium can disrupt the fluid balance in the body and cause dehydration. This is because salt suck water absorption in the body and cause swelling. So should avoid it.

Fried food
Have you ever noticed that the dry throat after eating a lot of fried? This without doubt eating a lot of these really bad for you because it makes you dehydrated.

Should not overlook the benefits of mango

Mango is a fruit provides many health benefits. According to the experts said that the daily intake of ripe mango will benefit 7 as follows:

1. stimulate the immune system: the rich presence of carotene, which then transforms ripe mango into vitamin a helps protect the body against damage from free radicals. In addition, vitamin C is effective to increase the function of the immune system.

2. Cancer Prevention: Because of the overwhelming presence of the compounds, vitamins, antioxidant purple claimed to be more effective risk reduction cancer.and prostate cancer.

3. to improve the performance of the brain: mango is rich in vitamin B6, which gives importance to the nervous system, as well as brain function. This vitamin aids in creating multiple messaging agent in charge of psychological help control and slow-wave sleep. In addition, glucose, vitamins, help expand the power of concentration and memory improvement.

4. to help protect the liver: mango eating can also help protect your liver. Antioxidant compounds rich in mangoes helps wash toxins from the liver. Therefore, the inclusion of ripe mango in the daily diet is an effective method of health care liver.

5. Reduce fat cholesterol: purple Diversity lot of fiber and pectin substances 2 can help reduce cholesterol levels bad cholesterol. Besides these compounds, potassium reduces blood pressure.

6. resist weight gain: Some studies have found that eating mango skin can help fight weight gain. Extract from mango shells have the strength to prevent the development of fat cells in the body to reduce weight gain.

7. Make better food to the digestive system: the ultimate benefits of eating mango is to help make better the digestive system. Rich presence of fiber helps expel toxic and hazardous waste body from the body. A mango fruit could provide 20% of the daily fiber requirement while potassium is given approximately 560 milligrams g, equivalent to 16% of potassium daily.

River Festival in Kampong Cham ends with pomp and fun entertainment for the masses

2nd River Festival under the theme of clean rivers and communities in Kampong Khmom evening dated 12 March 2016, cut the ribbon to inaugurate officially launched by Deputy Prime Minister Yim Chhay Ly, Chairman of the Council for agricultural and rural Development and a representative of Samdech Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister of Kingdom of Cambodia.

H.E Lun Limthai, Kom Pong Cham governor has said that this is the first time that the city get a chance to celebrate and event this is important river. The offer shares to the public, both nationally and internationally for the common interests and common future will change opportunity to go back and forth. Provincial order to become a true land of opportunity provincial administration took physical exhaustion trying all sorts of ways to transform this territory Enchanting become a destination for investment, tourism and social development in terms of promoting economic growth to the people in the province towards achieving program rectangular strategy phase 3 of the Royal Government of Cambodia.

H.E Lun Limthai said the administration and collaborative Thboung Khmom 2nd River Festival in 2016.

Both provinces have many raw materials for investments such as rice, cassava, cashews, peanuts, corn, rubber.. Besides the focus on development in the areas of industry, although they are not defined as a tourist police, the administration the province has committed to expanding its tourism close to the police and Dream both Cham - Khmom in 'would attract the national and international visitors each year in the future, the near future because both tourist many natural and cultural potential that can invest.

H.E Thong Khon, Minister of Tourism, said that the River Festival is a tourist attraction for the province next to the river. River festival will not only contribute to the promotion of the tourism potential of the area next to the river, but also a significant contribution to support the government's policy in the spotlight sustainable development and specifically responsible for the protection and conservation of natural resources on a clear commitment to maintain a balance between environmental interests, economic, cultural and social development. Meanwhile, River Festival is an excellent opportunity to encourage all parties concerned to join the competition and good service Clean Resort good hospitality through improving the quality of tourism services to promote infrastructure development, development of cruise tourism to boost the development of small enterprises and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and regional product education and public awareness to people about the benefits of the resource base and the river the concept of 'clean, green and help develop the community and the people living along the river, especially to promote urban development along the river to join city competitive in ASEAN.

H.E Yim Chhay Ly, Deputy Chairman of the Council for Agricultural and Rural Development have read the message, Samdech Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia 1 over the last decade Cambodia has experienced rapid development in the fields of politics, security, economy and society through political win - won Cambodia's rapidly changing picture of what's known as the territory of the Killing fields war territory rich in nuts Min. Having turned out to have a full and secure peace, security, political progress in all fields with hope towards a future prosperity and splendor.

Deputy Prime Minister Yim Chhay Ly said the government considered Tourism is the existence role as green gold contribute to the development social economy through increased job opportunities bring income to the population. Its rich potential of tourism along the river has contributed to Cambodia become an ideal tourist destination and attractions.

Both national and foreign crowds attended River. They enjoy entertainment such as touring a particular performance art, both ancient and modern, specially prepared.

Obesity in childhood risk of liver disease, heart disease and hypertension

The scientists from the University of California, California State America warned that obesity can cause children face higher some days, such as hypertension, heart disease and liver disease.

Monitoring children aged from 2 to 17, 5 percent for 48 weeks showed that a group of body fat to 10 percent risk of hypertension, while regular physical risk from 2-5 percent. However, the risk of fatty liver problems, heart and obese children are at 20-30 percent.

Research team member Dr. Jeffrey Schwimmer, said that as a result of this study, we recommend that monitoring and evaluation the pressure should be counted as a complete composition of action to treat children with fatty liver disease, especially their They face the highest risk of stroke as well as heart attacks. Hypertension is a major cause of mortality and disability can be avoided. To coincide with the increased risk of heart disease, we have also found that children born fatty liver disease and hypertension risk The most serious danger.

Doctors added that parents as well as doctors need to be aware of the health risks that fatty liver disease (NAFLD). While hypertension problems occur, treatment must urgently.

Drinking water during meals is the right choice?

A large number of people routinely performed illegal nature by trying to drink 1-2 glasses during meals, and there are many reasons for such actions.
According to the interpretation of Dr. Mantena Satyanarayana Raju the paranoia can produce negative effects on health, especially the stomach. Although the phase of digestion begins in the mouth, the dissolution is only 20-25 percent. The remaining food is the role of the stomach. While it (the food) into the stomach digestive enzymes and many gas is produced to digest food. Among the protein hydrochloric acid States the most important role, while other enzymes to complete this process. In addition, the same acid-minute kill bad bacteria remaining in the food. Normally, the stomach takes 2 hours to digest food. So drink water during meals can cause acid protein hydrochloric America's decline.

Dr Raju said that a number of consequences for the stomach (especially stomach problems), and the body are as follows:

1. The weak acid: energy stomach acid becomes weak and lead to loss of efficiency if the water mixed with food. A weak acid such can not digest food well. Then the stomach is forced to produce more acid in double. Such production over time they will become bad habits lead to heartburn and stomach ulcers. Selfishness must not forget the physical appearance, and internal organs.

2. The food into the stomach without going through a digestive phase 1: when they drink water during meals separated a small but it could not digest it, leading to metabolic processes take time. Moreover, the presence of water to the natural movement of the stomach more slowly than before. This is also one reason that causes the metabolism to take longer to double.

3. Weak stomachs: 2 glasses of water generally takes 15 minutes to mix into the blood. However, when they drink with food in the stomach until the meal is converting water metabolism. It can take 2-4 hours. So stomach weight, food and water for long periods such is surely weaken. Moreover, they will become spoiled, which is the reason why Perth.

4. Serious stomach condition: long-term stays in the stomach food and water become spoiled and then gas was also it became a tight. Stomach heavy emphasis on the lower part of the lungs and contraction of the lungs by 20% -30%. As a result, making breathing uncomfortable condition. The diaphragm (the muscle in the separator between the diaphragm and the bottom) is an integral part in the process of breathing pressure causes its movement is determined. The stomach muscles that help to breathe and lost the ability to contract out.

5. Cause drowsiness and vibration: oxygen, which absorbs a large number into the stomach and helps digestion food. As soon as the oxygen in the stomach cause drowsiness. While the food stays in the stomach longer lungs get less oxygen and then we feel anxiety, drowsiness and sickly. This is one reason that many people yawning straight after meals, while others slept on kitchen table with chairs.

The Indian researchers also found similar. They sip a little water during meals not cause any problems, but if you drink 1-2 glasses interfere with digestion. It's best if you drink fluids before or after meals 2 hours because the paranoia will help the body absorb nutrients well.

Ever aware of the benefits of Betel Leaf?

The other plant around the house is a good habit of Khmer people who have planted a fruit vine and there are a lot of secondary vegetation before it has health benefits. at home in the days before, always the betel plant for drinking with Islam and limestone. betel leaf and also still current use in other applications. as well as a drug that provided health benefits to the following:

- Betel leaves helps clean and protect teeth strong
- Help treat the symptoms of cough and sore throat relievers Sles
- Can treat bloating and flu
- To treat ulcers that can become and abscesses (powder and close)
- Treat ringworm and vaginal symptoms Dermatology
- To relieve symptoms of constipation and helps reduce intestinal worm

- Help reduce fever and headache
- Helps to remove toxins in the body
- Used to treat blindness
- To help eliminate bad breath fresh breath
- Help get rid of the smell of armpits and smell
- Relieves symptoms occur Chaplin and acne on the face and body.

Russian Architects Design Buildings Cobra Luxurious Skyscrapers

You've probably already seen the profile of the building with various shapes, particularly in China. That unique design style buildings that want to capture images of the occasion as well.

The longer a new design, which features a secret other buildings with prominent appearance of the skyscraper has a uniform shape cobra're getting great interest.

Architect, Russian, Mr. Vasily Klyukin from Moscow worked designing style of skyscraper shaped cobra (Asian Cobra Tower) stands stand very prominent in the city center of Central country which, including homes, restaurants and nightclubs as well. Design is expected that the building design cobra he would get attracted investment from companies in Asia and the chhthu East.

According to his explanation Klyukin said that in Japan, the serpent mean feat. In China, snakes and dragons also means the same admiration. He added that in the 21st century, the growth of nutrient buildings shows the substantial progress of the culture and economy.

The cobra buildings appear in black and gold, it can shine when the sun's shining, studded with diamonds. However, it may represent the Chinese yuan called Ying and Yang.