Use of antibiotics can lead to a child at risk of diabetes.

According to a research study in Greece showed that giving antibiotics to children can cause changes metabolism and makes them at risk of diabetes.

Dr Chaikleia Stefanaki Pediatric Research in Endocrinology at the University Health City Greece explained that the increased use of antibiotics to children under 3 years will reduce the health benefits of the microbes in the gut and also interfere with absorption as well as the metabolic nutrients. These reasons can lead to the risk of type 2 diabetes in a high percentage.

The porcine troubled teens at risk of developing diabetes 10 and 14 normal healthy child people aged between 12 and 17 years old found that teens who have problems facing diabetes 10 people are used to using antibiotics to about 3 times in 1 year they are 3 years old. The analysis showed that the number of bacteria Ruminococcus decrease in stool and the bacteria are good bacteria help provide many benefits to the good bacteria other intestine. Scientists said that the decrease will cause a higher risk in the risk of diabetes.

To avoid the risk of the original The study authors recommend that all parents should provide prebiotic (good food growth of microbes) and probiotics (foods that are beneficial microbes) for food for their children both can help balance the good bacteria in the gut and reduce the chance of diabetes that result from the use of antibiotics in young.