What you need to do to help people drowned?

Assuming that you can take the victim out of the water, on land, and what you need to do something else, then?
      Rescue you have to do is reach only half that. Helping victims drowned or swallowing into its breath, the rescue work is half that you have to do, and it all two are of the same importance in helping to save the lives of victims.
      Saving the victim's life is like blowing air into the mouth. Certainly you should implement strategies that are generally safe and every possible circumstance. If you have a penis pump air in your emergency bag, you have to use it. It will help provide safe recovery rather than by blowing air into the mouth where it can help protect you from AIDS and other contaminants.

     But you must call for help before you start to implement a form of emergency.

The way of salvation by blowing breath through the mouth for cases of drowning

· The status of the victim's head to the side to allow water to flow out into the victim's mouth and nose. Then put the victim's head straight back.

· Begin rescue breathing by blowing air through the mouth on the mainland, if possible, or in the water if the victim needs immediate relief that they can is facing the loss of life.

· The wind blew strong oral 4 times into the victim's mouth, you need to shut their noses. This method can make the wind kicked out, which put in the airways and lungs of the victims.

· After you have breathed 4 times, and then you have to put your ear close to the victim's mouth and monitoring chest to look for signs their breathing.

· To check the pulse of the victim's survivors.
· Start implementing this form again.

  You do not quit when the victim began breathing and swallowing. In fact, within 48 hours after there is a risk of drowning, it can be the most dangerous time. Complications that arise due to the risk of swallowing include: pneumonia, infection, heart failure, all of them can be expected during hours. So you should be forwarded drowning victims to the hospital.

How bad hair can mean that you are unhealthy?

How bad hair can mean that you are unhealthy?
    Does your hair, you can try to tell you about something related to your health? Maybe it can. The situation and certain drugs affect your body as well as your hair. In other cases, you may just need to care better for your hair and scalp. Use these tips to find out what is divided between what we are wrong and reality when it comes to health and your hair.
Dogmeat is not a risk to health
    Dandruff is not infectious. So how can you, how? Doctors are not sure about this, but there are theories that it may be due to the growing extremism of fungi. Risk factors to the problem that might occur, such as oil-based skin stress, obesity or dry and cold weather have eczema or Dermatology. Although dandruff can make you shy and itching, which can be a side effect, but it does not harm anything to you.
Tips for treating the scalp with pole
    In order to reduce the increasing number of dead skin cells, dandruff, try using shampoo for scalp treatment, dandruff everyday . Soap for five minutes on your head, then wash it off pretty good. You may need to experiment shampoo for the scalp with dandruff, to find out whether a product is suitable for you . If the product stops working for you, try another new product. And if it still does not help, please contact your doctor.
What is dandruff yellow?
    If plaque scalp dandruff you see high fat and you can have yellow skin irritation due to oil . It is a condition of skin irritation that can occur wherever there are many oil glands, such as on the scalp and face. Although skin irritation because oil has been linked to hormone fungi and also to problems of the nervous system but it was the same treatment to cure dandruff. In severe cases may require prescription medications, and thyroid drugs against fungi.
You may have more hair loss than you think
   It is not set perfectly, but experts estimate that we may have hair loss from 100 fiber or more a day. It is not a declaration of emergency, and it does not mean that you are going bald. About 90 percent of the 100,000 hair or hair created at any time. Another 10 percent is in a resting phase, the hair will fall off after 2 to 3 months. It has been replaced by new hair growth cycle will start again.
What causes Telogen Effluvium?
    The surprise comes to your immune system, such as surgery, childbirth some diet drugs have severe levels of stress and prostate problems thyroid can make your hair dry stage. About 2 months later, you may see your hair fall out and thin in advance, it is a condition we call Telogen Effluvium. Sometimes they can be described as a full hair loss. In most cases, the new hair will start to grow again.
The attack on the hair
    In the area of ​​baldness, your immune system mistakes in attack hair will cause hair loss often is in that moment. Most people will have one or two bald, but in other cases all body hair fell out. The perimeter of the bald spot did not harm or spread, but it can affect the mental part. Hair can grow back by itself and treatment can help it grow back quickly. Unfortunately, some may experience baldness often.
Genes can cause 90 percent of male hair loss
      Through hereditary characteristic appearance can influence from the mother's side of the family than your father's family. So look to the tips of grandparents, parents, you can better about your future. The pattern of male baldness often begins with Delta hair gathering at the temple and then on the front side and left Caribbean such as a circle around your head. Herbs that can reduce hair loss such as Rogaine (minoxidil) and Propeica (finasteride).
The pattern of baldness in women
     Hair loss in women seems to mean that hair is very thin around her head. Unlike men, women rarely become bald, and they also seem to slow hair loss than men. Contrary to common belief, long hair is not put weight on the hair, which leads them to fall out. Soap, and also do not pull hair, it's just hair that fell out already come out. Pharmaceutical MINOXIDIL helps hair to grow back and protect hair from thinning.
Avoid sun damage to the hair
    Exposure to too much sunlight can make your hair dry fragile and that can break apart easily. And if you already have thin hair, you can face the sun burns on your scalp. The selection of products to protect hair, combined with sunscreen heat can give you some protection, although it may be difficult to hair encased your equal. That's why it's a good idea for you to wear a hat when you go out in the sun, especially if your scalp easy touch it.
Foods that taste can cover prenatal physical reserve requirements
    How can dine equals your hair? In severe cases, it can. Your hair needs protein and iron for healthy substances, along with omega fatty acids, zinc and vitamin A, but it does not need too much. They can protect your hair from falling apart. Eating low levels is often a lack of reserve substances the body and can make hair grow at rest and weaknesses. If this deficiency reserves are large enough such people who have problems with food intake did not normalize their hair may separate autumn.
Food for hair and a healthy heart
   You can help your hair look healthy by eating salmon and walnuts to get a fatty acid content Omega three engine and carrots for vitamin a, Brazil nuts for selenium content and marine mussels and nuts to get zinc. All of these agents can take care of your skin and hair healthy as well as the intake of foods with low-fat grains and Other vegetables. You will get the results of two double foods that are good for your hair and provide advantages to your heart .
Premature gray hair is caused by a gene
    Having a premature gray hair is not always related to age. If you are not yet age 40
And you find yourself with a few more gray vessels, it is because you have a chance to pass it among your family members. Gray is not a healthy sign of weakness, however deficient anemia, thyroid problems, vitamin deficiency (Vitamin B-12) vitiligo and can cause premature gray hair. You can highlight or color painting on your hair to cover the gray, but be careful because some people are allergic to the chemistry of hair paint. The result is that you may be itching and burning scalp.
Simultaneously toward baldness can cause damage to the hair follicles
   Pulling hair too tight, such as hair tied back hair braided hair and wavy hair can ruin your hair and make fragile and fall apart. Hair and hair pieces can sometimes lead to baldness because of their extra weight The existing hair. Changing hair usually can make hair grow back. The hair tied back tightly in the long term can lead to hair loss continuously.
The excessive hair can make your hair weak
     The blow clamp straight hair Leap hair color and even hair color comb overly These can damage the outer layer of hair. When the internal fundamentals of hair is showing up, your hair will dry and dull. Although it does not cause permanently damage to your health, your only option to get healthy is it out and started to grow again.
The impact of surprise
    Among those remedies in the list of drugs that have side effects and lead to hair loss include anti-clotting drugs, cholesterol-lowering drugs anti sadness anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs for menopause, birth control pills and antibiotics Beauty Boutique. Usually, the hair will grow back when the drugs are stopped, but in some cases, it will not grow back.
Scalp massage can make you feel good
    It found no evidence that would suggest that massage your scalp to reduce hair loss or make your scalp conditions improving, but it can really make you discharged the stress state. Your scalp is covered by the end disorder that can make you feel very stimulated in touch. Tighten your scalp can help reduce stress. Massage can be a key driver of the release of a hormone that makes you feel good, such as dopamine (dopamine) and Serotonin of (serotonin).
Hair analysis is not reliable,
     Many companies claim that they can analyze the hair to find out if you have a vitamin deficiency or health problems. Although hair analysis can detect toxins such as lead or arsenic, these findings may be varied and different. Other objects from the pollution in the air and soap can affect the outcome of the test. Medical Association of the United States against an analysis to determine the treatment.

How to Rescue electrocution?

When a person electrocution electricity enters the body and it also causes numbness and tingling until the heart stops beating suddenly. This may cause an injury where shock, burns or skin ulcers. However, in cases of extreme shock, it can affect the brain and heart. For the heart can lead to rapid heart, leading to heart attacks and sudden death. For the brain to become seizure and even mental illness. Thus, understanding how aid cases electrocution least can help victims of the above.

Here's what you should do when confronted with those electric shocks:
Before you help them look around, if there is something dangerous or not, because electricity can pass through discharge water or metal. Make a phone call immediately.
Then try to pull the victim from the source claimed. You can disconnect the electricity. If you can not do that, let's stand on the spot or cross currents like a piece of wood or a dry place and use a push stick victims source of electricity. Do not touch the victim manually transfer because it can seize.
After taking the victim away from the power source and to cock and laid his head on his hand himself. Knee transparency of the victims and check their breathing.
If the victim is breathing a little inflammation you can wash it with water from the tap. Do not use a blanket over the victim because it's denim blanket can get caught in the ass.
If there is bleeding, bleeding through the use of clean and dry cloth stopped bleeding and use the hard way not to bleed .

Start massaging the heart and lungs (CPR) if the victim is not breathing. Do not do CPR when the victim is not breathing.
Remember, the person who is injured by electrocution need urgent medical attention, although they look much better after accident . Your doctor may check for burns, fractures and other injuries, and if necessary, can be further tests such as ECG, blood tests, CT scan or MRI.

How to rescue victims of accidents on the road.

Traffic accidents in Cambodia today is very much from day to day, and some of it is also increased. More results after the traffic accident victim can make disability until death. There are many reasons, some of the death of our people in the streets, and what they found is that we often lack control the situation of the victims, especially broken bones.

Generally, we do not know themselves who is traveling the same streets that should help victims How can and should do to them to hospital safely. Team News will introduce the key points that you can do to save the lives of our people are as follows:

Time critical first hour
It is important to remember that within the first hour after the accident, and is one of the most important. Make sure the victim to the hospital as fast as possible. Doctors said that airway obstruction, bleeding and delayed surgery is a major cause of death because of broken bones. Be sure that you have related to the state hospital's ambulance we have sufficient relief materials to help breathing and reduce bleeding the patient immediately. Bring the patient to the nearest hospital. Apart from loss of blood, injuries and lack of oxygen is the reason why the patient died on the road.

Check the victim's breathing
Make sure the victim breathe and no blockages. Take everything out of the mouth of the victim, such as teeth that are broken. Loosen clothing, neck, chest and waist area. Let's use the chest press and nostrils the breath of the mouth (CPR) if necessary.

Stop the bleeding
The prevention of bleeding is another important factor in saving lives of victims. Let's stop the bleeding by pressing on the wound itself. Use a towel or clothing every bit thick and wrapped it in a place where bleeding.

Minimizing damage to the spine
It is recommended to reduce injuries to the spine and head in case of an accident, damage to the spine, because it can lead a lifetime of disability. Be sure that the patient's head and spine in line with the equally. Keep the victim's head and, if necessary.