Drink much coffee daily increases the risk of blindness.

According to the research of America has confirmed that more than 3 cups of coffee a day can increase the risk of losing sight and lead to blindness see nothing. The researchers said that even if drinking in the average number also can cause eye disease glaucoma (eye disease that makes one dark gradually until not see).

To reduce the chance of disease, glaucoma, as indicated earlier study, published in the Journal of Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science proposed that you should reduce the intake of coffee.

A team of researchers from Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, United States confirmed that the compounds in coffee have increased pressure in the eyeball create the conditions that destroy their eyesight called Exfoliation Glaucoma. This condition occurs when the compounds in coffee effects on women and the 2 eyes, which then clog drainage fluid of the eyeball, leading to increased pressure within the eye. But for coffee products not related to the disease, blindness.

However, we can not say that coffee has no benefits. According to previous studies have found that coffee consumption may help reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke stroke and diabetes, but what each country's disagreements are on the amount of intake by some found eating much good for poor health, while others said too much alcohol.

Drink cans, sugar increases the risk of diabetes.

Sugary drinks cans from 1 to 2 drinks a day can increase the risk of diabetes. A study conducted by scientists of 8 European countries such as Britain, Germany, Denmark Italy Spain, Sweden, France and the Netherlands have shown that the consumption of sweet drinks 1 drinks a day increases the risk of diabetes type 2 about 1/5 compared with those who drank only 1 bottle per month.

During the experiment, the scientists examined the diet of about 35 thousand people, the results showed that those who drink cans such as orange juice almost daily increased the risk of diabetes than those who drank occasionally.

Study leader, Mrs. Dora Romaguera, from Imperial College London, said that the use of sugar sweetened beverages increase the risk of diabetes. So every drink category 1 drinks a day have a higher risk to it.

The fruit that can help deal with arthritis gout.

Gouty arthritis occurs when the level of uric acid in the blood. It also constitutes a white needle-like crystals in the joints and cause burns.

But there are some fruits that can facilitate this disease. Eating fruit can help eliminate the symptoms of gout well.

Bananas are rich in potassium, which helps convert uric acid into another fluid. So it was delivered to the kidneys to filter into the urine.

Avocados are compounds known as antioxidants that may help treat symptoms associated with gouty arthritis. Avocado, which can reduce inflammation and symptoms of gout, mostly black avocado.

Citrus fruits
Citrus fruits are considered as food in the disagreements exist for treating gout naturally. But based on citrus fruits, you must be aware of pH levels in the body because of its vitamin C can reduce the body's pH level.

Fruits rich in fiber
Cherie and apples are rich in fiber, especially claws and shells. Apples of one side can provide up to 3 grams of fiber port and two medium-sized Puy tthrea 2.4 grams fiber courts.

Low Purine foods
The amount of uric acid was formed in the stomach and intestines to digest foods that contain Purine. Thus, selection of fruits with low Purine is a great strategy if you have gout. The fruit has the lowest Purine such as grapes, apples and kiwi fruit orange.

Pineapples alone will not be regarded as an appropriate treatment for gout. But Wells's Pineapple contains bromelain, an activity can reduce inflammation.

Crying is helpful.

Nothing can beat a good cry, but it is a time when you can cry the pain and pressure All of you. It was as effective as drug treatment for your mental and alleviate anxiety, all stuck in yourself. So you continue reading below to find out its benefits for everyone.

1. Release of toxic substances contained in body
This is one of the best benefits for the body of crying. Indeed, the cry to release emotional stress can release toxic substances that harm the body out exterior. These toxins may affect the inside of the body in case it did not come out a better time. More specifically, the crying may emit harmful substances in your eyes. It may help to clean and moisturize your eyes.

2. Makes you stronger
The cry seems to be an exercise in emotional. Disclosure issues and all your worries are really better than you are forced to keep it in mind. It seems like an exercise for the heart, in your heart that would be stronger that any hiccups will not affect to you anymore.

3. Makes you feel better than before
Many people admit that after they cry, they seem to feel fresher than before. What is the explanation for this? Was the cry, release the hormones that are called endorphins, which acts as a painkiller for your body. When you are having anxiety and stress with problems that emotional tears can help you calm down and feel relief when you're crying.

4. Protection of heart problems
Studies have shown that those who express their pain seems to be less vulnerable to heart disease, compared to other people who try to hide their pain. It can protect yourself from heart problems. Whenever you can, you should cry to release tension.

This does not mean that you have to cry for all the stories and all incidents in front of others. However, when you feel your pain seems to be a strong, it is suitable for you to cry it out rather than the endeavor to keep hidden in the mind alone that it might provide impact for your mental health. If you feel awkward going to cry in front of others, you can sit in a room alone and cry out all the pain. It will make you feel better when you came out.

The key to increasing good cholesterol in the blood.

You should not focus solely on lowering cholesterol. It is important to do moving average of good cholesterol and bad cholesterol to decrease.

Some people have a lot of good cholesterol in the body literally from birth, so they can feel the luckiest person. So, if you do not have a lot of good cholesterol in the blood, you should do to make it in bulk to reduce disease.

Being physically active
Any exercise that you can do that will help reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol. Do not care if you make gardening wiped clean for Hawaiian playing badminton, cycling or dancing, it's all to benefit all.

Quit smoking
Everyone knows that smoking is bad for health. There are many reasons for this is that smoking will cause more coronary artery clots. So quitting smoking is a method of increasing the good cholesterol in the blood very well.

Reduce eating sweets
The study showed that those who ate more sweet is the good cholesterol. Thus reducing the intake of diabetes is a good idea if you want to lower bad cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. Reducing the intake of sweet also helps relieve inflammation.

Purple fruits and vegetables as much
Fruits and vegetables that are rich purple contain anthocyanins, the white stuff to the most nutritious plants and the human body to increase good cholesterol effectively. Besides, you can also eat grapes, purple cabbage and egg plant.

Oily fish
Entering fish rich in fat in the diet is a great method to get a lot of good cholesterol in the blood and lowering bad cholesterol too. You should eat fish, such as salmon or tuna because it is rich in omega-three fatty acids.

Red wine
Effective strategies simple and to raise good cholesterol in the blood is brewing red wine as a drink rich with antioxidants that can prevent heart disease well. Men can drink 2 glasses of red wine daily, while women only one lens.

Grapes can cure disease?

Asthma. Because of its therapeutic value of grapes can be used for treating asthma. Moreover, the influence of assimilate it also has the highest level as well. It increases the moisture present in the lungs.

Heart disease. Grapes helped increase the nitric oxide levels in the blood, it helps to prevent blood clots, and hence it can also reduce the chances of the attack also. In addition, the presence of anti-oxidants in fruits helps prevent the oxidation of bad cholesterol, which will There is a blockage in the blood vessels.

Migraine (migraine). Ripe grape juice is a home remedy for curing migraine. It should be consumed early in the morning without any additional water.

Constipation. Grapes are very effective in overcoming constipation. They are treated as a laxative foods because they contain organic acid, cellulose and sugar. They also help improve the situation chronic constipation is also relieved by strengthening the power of the intestines and stomach .

The digestion. Grapes have played an important role to challenge your metabolism. They help reduce the heat and cure indigestion and irritation of the stomach.

The tired. Grape juice with light-colored or white can help replenish the iron contained in the blood and helps prevent fatigue . But the dark grape juice may not be able to help boost an iron hand, to reduce iron levels. The grape juice can make you instant energy. And anti-oxidant present in grapes also help boost your immune system function has been improved as well.

Kidney abnormalities. Grapes can reduce the acidity of uric acid and helps in the elimination of the acid out of the system by making reductions the pressure of work of the kidneys.

Breast cancer. Through recent studies have found that purple grape juice, which helps to prevent breast cancer. The decline is particularly prostate tumors in the breast milk of rats in a lab was found after they give those rats to drink grape juice in this phase of testing.

Alzheimer's disease. Resveratrol, a beneficial polyphenol present in grapes reduces the levels of amyloidal beta peptides in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Studies have shown that grapes can enhance brain health improvement and stop the starting point of a neurodegenerative disorder.

Decreasing visibility. Grapes can prevent impairment of sight or loss of sight, which is linked to age. Eating grapes to three apples a day can reduce the risk of impairment of sight, more than 36 percent.

Disease prevention policies. Flavonoids in grapes contains anti-oxidant that can help reduce and against damage caused by free radicals this eye cataracts as part of cardiovascular disease, cancer and problems related to old age.

Cholesterol in the blood. Grapes contain compounds that are called pterostibene who have the ability to make cholesterol lowering cholesterol. The saponins present in grape skin can also prevent the absorption of cholesterol cholesterol.

The activity of the bacteria. Red grapes have anti-bacteria and viruses are very effective and can protect you from infection. They have anti-virus: poliovirus and herpes simplex virus.

Have anti-cancer substances. Grapes were found to have anti-cancer because it has anti-inflammatory effects of resveratrol contained in fruit this vine. It is particularly effective for colon cancer and breast cancer. Substances anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins in fruits are anti widespread and confined to the growth of cancer agents. Grape juice will not only help protect your risk of cancer, but it can also hinder grown and spread of cancer cells The well. And pigment present in grapes make the immune system of your body better than before.

Eliminating the symptoms of headache by massage.

You always have the symptoms of chronic headaches, is not it? For it is not a serious disease, but it does provide a lot of side effects for you and you will be hard to focus on the activities of your daily work. Usually, you can resolve this problem by using painkillers and problems of headaches, such as paracetamol paracetamol. Only this time, you do not need to use them if you do not want that. Besides the use of massage therapy can also help alleviate and eliminate this problem. These are simple tips that you can try to treat headaches by using massage methods:

1. Slouches in a chair or sofa, comfort,.

2. Place the light and dark shapes bit as bright lights in the room can make your headache worse.

3. Start massaging on the head by beginning at the top and around your ears. Put your hands on both sides in the side of the head with the bottom of the fingers press down and gently push the skin there another two cm.

4. Move your scalp rather than the finger rubbing on the scalp.

5. Put the bottom of the finger on the temple and press down gently and move your hand to the small circular.

6. These rules apply on the back of your neck, with attention to the area at the bottom of the bones.

7. Continue working hours Warsaw on your scalp in the same way until you feel more relieved. For areas that seem to feel tense, you can try this method, you have to pinch your skin use the thumb and index finger and squeeze it for 20 seconds. This reduces the pressure in the last 10 seconds, but you must not take away my hand, and then continued to do it 4 times.

Nutrients that your eyes need.

When we talk to the health of our most eye know that unless there is a diet rich in vitamin A. But it's not good enough, you should add a balanced diet, wearing sunglasses and a check with an expert eye health.

Why are your eyes need a healthy antioxidants of it?
Antioxidants help prevent many diseases that not only protects the heart and immune system, but also help protect the eyes. Antioxidants, including vitamins A, C and E, which can help prevent eye disease macular degeneration, cataracts and other eye problems.

Fruits and vegetables are good sources of antioxidants. For fruits and vegetables, which are much closer antioxidant concentrations higher density.

Vitamin A
Vitamin A is very important in helping the bottom of the eye to function better and prevent blindness. Also help reduce the risk of macular degeneration and prevent cataracts.

Foods rich in vitamin A, such as eggs, meat, fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, broccoli engine. Milk also contains vitamins A, too.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C has been found to have high kamhat eye. It is also an antioxidant with a density similar to zeaxanthin and lutein also protects against UV rays and free radicals.

Foods rich in vitamin C include citrus fruits, peppers and broccoli.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E is known as a fat-soluble vitamin, also help prevent free radicals. This vitamin is found in cell membranes for care out of molecules in cells and other cells and its structure.

Vitamin E in nuts such as almonds cereals, peanuts and sunflower seeds. Avocados, eggs and broccoli engine is also rich in vitamin E as well.

Lutein and zeaxanthin
Lutein and zeaxanthin may help maintain eye health. Antioxidants they can absorb high energy blue rays generated from free radicals and UV rays.

These two sources of nutrients such as egg, broccoli, corn and dietary supplements.

You should eat these foods for a healthy intestinal.

Digestive health, particularly gastrointestinal always important for everyone because it is the place where the body uses when eating. If it is not healthy, you will have much trouble hereafter. So if you want a healthy gastrointestinal following you should choose foods to eat often.

Apple is rich in fiber, which can relieve constipation effectiveness. Besides, the pectin in apples that will help improve the health care good bacteria in the gut and the outer layer of the intestines. But you should avoid eating apples - when stomach problems.

Seaweed can facilitate bowel movement because it is rich in fiber and beneficial to the outer lining of the stomach. Besides, it also contains Courmarin antioxidants for increasing the activity of white blood cells to help gastrointestinal problems soon recovered. To benefit most should eat it raw.

Ginger has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant that can prevent the virus turning pathogens to stimulate blood circulation and increase system functionality resistance.

Bananas contain Frucooligosaccharides, which serves as the probability antibiotic for the maintenance of good bacteria in the gut. Bananas also help restore electrolytes and potassium lost through diarrhea. However, it has a high sugar, so you should not eat too much.

Avocados are rich in omega fatty acids, and also good for you and intestines. This type of fat helps the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin K and C as well.

Seeds and skin of the cucumber is insoluble fiber which is good for the whole body. It is also rich in potassium, but what is important is that it contains a lot of water that suits best to complement the national water body and colon, especially those with diarrhea.

Papaya is a fruit that can be anti-inflammatory, because it contains vitamins A and C. It also contains digestive enzymes.

What's the most important thing is do not forget to drink plenty of water when you're eating foods high in fiber. Fiber to prevent dehydration and to take care of the whole body healthy.

Eating cucumbers are many benefits to health.

Cucumbers, vegetables, most growers ranked No. 4 in the world and has been incorporated into foods ranks they benefit the general health. Here are its health benefits:

1. provide nutrients to the body: If you are busy, not drinking enough water, eating cucumber because it contains water to 90 percent. This will help offset pay your lost fluids.

2. Reduce heat both inside and outside the body: Take a cucumber slice, slice off the skin will help reduce inflammation or sun.

3. Get rid of the toxins from the body: water in cucumber acts as a broom sweeps poor waste from the body. In the case of regular consumption of cucumbers will help dissolve kidney stones.

4. replenishes the vitamins that the body needs daily: Cucumbers contain vitamins that the body needs daily such as vitamins a, B and C. These vitamins help boost the immune system, making you refreshed and full of energy. Its benefits will be even harder if they eat with carrot and spinach. Eat these shells For more shells cucumber contains vitamin C, about 12 percent of the body's daily requirements.

5. to help digestion and weight loss: According to the excessive amounts of water and low-calorie cucumber is a good choice for you who want to lose weight. The bite, chew, it will help the jaw work well and its fiber will facilitate digestion. For those who frequent constipation eat cucumber every day is a good choice.

6. help control blood pressure, reduce fat, cholesterol and prevent the incidence of diabetes: cucumber water storage hormone the pancreatic cells needed to produce insulin delivery in the body. The compounds sterols in cucumbers effectively reduces the levels of fat, cholesterol. Besides, it contains fiber, potassium and magnesium. Please note that these nutrients work most effectively on maintaining blood pressure at normal levels.

7. help promote healthy joints, relieve pain from arthritis: the presence of a multitude of minerals Chile helped drive healthy joints by strengthening the connective tissues.

Safety tips to avoid hearing loss from listening music headphones.

According to the website's content Indiatimes said that those who are accustomed to using headphones (headphone) listening to very loud music could impact severe ear can lead to deafness. Security experts told the rules you should follow to avoid serious ear.

The survey found that the present device to listen to music as well as smartphones next series with many functional properties of modern amenities, including programs Music accompanied by enticing headset headset. Young people today prefer wearing headphones listening ear, even when traveling. Moreover, some probably tired of loud sounds from the traffic jams that were willing to wear headphones to listen to music warming. But they may not be interested in symptoms of numbness eardrum. These are the activities that will be bad for the health of your ears.

So Dr. consultant ear, nose and throat (ENT consultant) Nishit Shah Hospital in Bombay, India introduced a method to avoid damage your hearing by listening Music headphones:

- Opening song sounded out (Play It Loud): Listening to music by opening only half the volume that would not hurt the ears.

- Symptoms of numbness ears (Uncomfortably numb): Unlike with people who are deaf by the sound of explosions or deaf by the sound of the plane exploded, the deaf because headphones are lightweight but can also cause long-term adverse effects in the front. The study showed that a group of people who come close to a rock concert or club, who used loudspeakers that will make your ears they numb it.

When you exit the club, you can only listen to Stari near the ears, can not hear from afar clearly, your ears will change to the new environment requires time to adapt. Indeed, this is a warning sign of an ear before it reaches the pressure until the affected ear.

Dr. Shah said that the shift away from the area where the voice came where the waste is dangerous ears than listen Decibel which are higher than long-term.

Studies have shown that those who prefer to listen to music in private, via headphones its voice heard loud Allergy headset (original) or normal headphones are not good for the ears. Dr. Shah has advised that if you want to use a headset or ear headphones to reduce or erase the phone to hear other noise calibration should sound volume, low level, and the other will not disappoint you from interacting with others as well.

Treatment: The most terrible thing is that they lose the ability to listen, and then you will not have a maintenance therapy as good as the original again. Dr. Shah said that most people buy headphones focus to good quality, but they buy for only voice heard as needed. This is one thing you should avoid that, you should also tell to your friends or around. If you're listening to headphones feel uncomfortable you'll need a headset immediately. You can not listen to loud music for 8 consecutive hours, because it will affect the hearing to a later date. If you feel that your ears seem to be less impaired ability to hear clearly heard so rush to the doctor specialized ear.

- Volume of danger to the ear: the researchers suggest that listening to music through headphones to hear loud sounds daily can be negatively affected only for 5 minutes. Voice traffic is limited to about 70 to 80 Decibel. If you are trying to listen to music using the volume higher than the volume of traffic in order to reduce or eliminate the noise, it would be dangerous to the ear precarious.

Listening to music through headphones, earbud headphones, if you use 90 minutes per day with a volume of 80% of the volume may be level of security. However, the volume can vary depending on various brand headphones so you should learn about the volume of the headset, make it clear that avoiding do not hurt your ears. The following are the volume and duration of impact on the ear:

- 95 Decibel impact will occur within 4 hours of listening to headphones every day

Decibel -100 impacts will occur within 2 hours of listening to headphones

Decibel -105 impacts will occur in 1 hour

Decibel -110 impacts will occur in 15 minutes

- From 120 Decibel impact almost immediately after listening to headphones

Do not eat​ much dinner because it affects to your health.

Some people always maintain cleanliness and try to eat good food, but they still do not get healthy and industrious have fewer health problems. You may not yet know the cause of the problem, right. The research suggests that eating more foods that make your stomach busy when you go to bed, it's not good for your health. It not only makes you tired after waking up, but it also makes you deal with various ailments.

Most people eat meals a day, two to three time, but actually it has four time a day. Eating a basic help us strong but healthy eating have its way, too. Upon confirmation of the experts said that eating at night or late can cause health problems and we slept Sky did not sleep and fatigue in the morning. Not only that, it can cause problems such as disorders of the digestive heartburn hoarse cough and respiratory disease (asthma). It can lead to other problems that all affect health. Consistent with the above researchers also showed how eating properly. They also suggest that eating properly, you just eat normally. Particularly useful for lunch, you can eat a lot of meat and vegetables for a bit, especially, you should eat lunch after a four-hour breakfast or lunch at 1. So, in the evening you can eat a little is enough for you. And if you miss or lagged behind in the dinner, you can eat protein-rich foods and do not eat much. Finally, we just want to introduce you absolutely have to eat in the morning to get the nutrients and healthy, but do not forget to keep hygiene.

So, if you learn how to eat and do not forget to tell the people around you to stay healthy all. In particular, you should add a menu with lots of green vegetables because it is rich in essential nutrients for good health.