Eating cucumbers are many benefits to health.

Cucumbers, vegetables, most growers ranked No. 4 in the world and has been incorporated into foods ranks they benefit the general health. Here are its health benefits:

1. provide nutrients to the body: If you are busy, not drinking enough water, eating cucumber because it contains water to 90 percent. This will help offset pay your lost fluids.

2. Reduce heat both inside and outside the body: Take a cucumber slice, slice off the skin will help reduce inflammation or sun.

3. Get rid of the toxins from the body: water in cucumber acts as a broom sweeps poor waste from the body. In the case of regular consumption of cucumbers will help dissolve kidney stones.

4. replenishes the vitamins that the body needs daily: Cucumbers contain vitamins that the body needs daily such as vitamins a, B and C. These vitamins help boost the immune system, making you refreshed and full of energy. Its benefits will be even harder if they eat with carrot and spinach. Eat these shells For more shells cucumber contains vitamin C, about 12 percent of the body's daily requirements.

5. to help digestion and weight loss: According to the excessive amounts of water and low-calorie cucumber is a good choice for you who want to lose weight. The bite, chew, it will help the jaw work well and its fiber will facilitate digestion. For those who frequent constipation eat cucumber every day is a good choice.

6. help control blood pressure, reduce fat, cholesterol and prevent the incidence of diabetes: cucumber water storage hormone the pancreatic cells needed to produce insulin delivery in the body. The compounds sterols in cucumbers effectively reduces the levels of fat, cholesterol. Besides, it contains fiber, potassium and magnesium. Please note that these nutrients work most effectively on maintaining blood pressure at normal levels.

7. help promote healthy joints, relieve pain from arthritis: the presence of a multitude of minerals Chile helped drive healthy joints by strengthening the connective tissues.

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