Crying is helpful.

Nothing can beat a good cry, but it is a time when you can cry the pain and pressure All of you. It was as effective as drug treatment for your mental and alleviate anxiety, all stuck in yourself. So you continue reading below to find out its benefits for everyone.

1. Release of toxic substances contained in body
This is one of the best benefits for the body of crying. Indeed, the cry to release emotional stress can release toxic substances that harm the body out exterior. These toxins may affect the inside of the body in case it did not come out a better time. More specifically, the crying may emit harmful substances in your eyes. It may help to clean and moisturize your eyes.

2. Makes you stronger
The cry seems to be an exercise in emotional. Disclosure issues and all your worries are really better than you are forced to keep it in mind. It seems like an exercise for the heart, in your heart that would be stronger that any hiccups will not affect to you anymore.

3. Makes you feel better than before
Many people admit that after they cry, they seem to feel fresher than before. What is the explanation for this? Was the cry, release the hormones that are called endorphins, which acts as a painkiller for your body. When you are having anxiety and stress with problems that emotional tears can help you calm down and feel relief when you're crying.

4. Protection of heart problems
Studies have shown that those who express their pain seems to be less vulnerable to heart disease, compared to other people who try to hide their pain. It can protect yourself from heart problems. Whenever you can, you should cry to release tension.

This does not mean that you have to cry for all the stories and all incidents in front of others. However, when you feel your pain seems to be a strong, it is suitable for you to cry it out rather than the endeavor to keep hidden in the mind alone that it might provide impact for your mental health. If you feel awkward going to cry in front of others, you can sit in a room alone and cry out all the pain. It will make you feel better when you came out.

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