Before the age of 40 do not want to have a stroke should try these.

Today, the risk of a stroke at age 40 years is having an increasingly serious marks. The disease not so much as a heart attack, so many people also did not know the symptoms of a stroke's what. Here are some tips that can show you how to prevent this disease and also help keep the brain healthy.

Maintaining a healthy weight
We know that obesity is the cause of so many strokes are also in it. Ideal weight depends on bone metabolism and structure your activities. If you're obese, start to exercise regularly to maintain a healthy weight.

Avoiding excess blood sugar
Not only has high blood pressure that cause stroke, high blood sugar, is one reason. If you have diabetes, you must monitor blood sugar levels, which will help determine whether you should lifestyle changes that can make blood sugar low. The best way is to exercise and eat low-carbohydrate diet.

Low-dose aspirin
If you're having trouble national heart disease and excess cholesterol in the blood, and that the use of low-dose aspirin can help reduce risk of stroke. However, consult your doctor before taking the drug because it can have side effects.

Look for signs of heart disease
The irregular blood flow often caused by irregular heart pumps and such cases may increase the risk of stroke . The disease can cause symptoms such as shortness of breath and rapid heart beat.

Reduce the intake of alcohol
Consumption of alcohol and every day can be very dangerous to the general health. But you can drink a glass of wine occasionally, but not too much because it can cause problems and the risk of stroke, high .

Keep blood pressure low
It is very important to prevent stroke by keeping blood pressure low. You can do this through lifestyle changes such as avoiding foods rich in cholesterol, regular exercise and stopping smoking.

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