Other foods for brain health!

The best foods for the brain, depending on the desired purpose. Mental health at different points of the process, such as the memory power of the brain and creative focus. The best food for the brain to contain anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals to help stimulate the brain are important for processing brain and prevents the brain from the impairment caused by free radicals that damage the brain.

1. Assistant memory: Blue berry fruit is best for memory because it is rich in quercetin. Other foods rich in quercetin include onions, tomatoes (Cherry), cauliflower, broccoli (broccoli), and fruit Gabriel Connecticut (apricot). Cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli engine (spinach), a variety of berries, fruits, eggplant, beetroot and also improves memory. Recent research has found a new type of food that can help improve memory. Tufts University in Boston found that leak acid (folic acid) may help the memory and the Rush University Medical Center in Chicago found that the intake fish can help stop the decline of memory.

2. The power of the brain: Eat fruit Priscilla Cox to challenge the brain exhaustion. Tiredness of the brain, making the brain disorder and slow the speed of the processor. It occurs due to the use of risk to deal with many problems that arise every day. Other foods that help the brain's power, such as carrots, fruit, dates, leaves, basil, mint and stevia leaves.

3. Feeling: Most of your bad mood caused by eating too much sugar. You can reduce the sugar by eating less sugar and foods high in fiber and protein, because it can absorb sugar. Fatty acids, omega-3, which is often found in fatty fish helps fight the symptoms of depression. Vitamin B12 and folate were consumed to produce Serotonin (serotonin). Vitamin B12 is found in beef, fish eat dairy products and eggs. While folate is found in oatmeal, soy, beetroot, damaging broccoli, sunflower seeds and orange.

3. Creativity: creativity needed process required a lot of foods rich in carbohydrates to convert energy. Fatty acids, omega-3, which helps make you feel good brain also help in creating a new way to get new information. The ability to innovate is falling too, when free radicals damage the brain. But can eliminate free radicals, anti-oxidants found in foods rich in vitamin C and vitamin e. Foods rich in vitamin C include citrus fruits, and both vitamin found in sunflower seeds, damaging broccoli and cabbage engine.

4. The focus: The focus with regard to the removal of nuisance. It is to maintain the health of the judge and keep the energy levels of the brain. Vitamins B, C, E and magnesium enhances your mood. As for tuna, fruit (artichokes), bananas, rice, barley, rice, white rice, wheat, nuts, almonds, nuts, legumes and potatoes are rich in magnesium.

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