Treatment of heart disease. French onion helps in blood vessels as thin as a result, it can prevent the red blood cells form a condensate. These jams can cause heart irregularities occur or cardiovascular disease.
Skin bright shine. Onion juice mixed with honey or olive oil is believed to be the best treatment for the condition.
Treatment of Cough. Use the mixture equally between the onion juice and honey, can cause symptoms of sore throat and problems with your cough relief.
Use of drugs neutralize the insect's venom. You can apply the French onion juice to help reduce the pain caused by bee stings. Fresh onion juice and blend it can be used for exterior paint treatment for the condition of the insects and scorpions sting.
Stimulates sexual feelings. French onion is said that it can help to increase the passion in your sex life. You can use onion juice mixed with 1 tablespoon water 1 teaspoon ginger and drink it twice a day to increase your libido.
Treatment for the condition of the red blood deficiency diseases. However, the status of red blood deficiency can also be improved by eating it with water.
Relieve symptoms of stomach. Onions are ingredients of anti-inflammatory and anti-viruses that help relieve stomach aches and symptoms associated with disorders of the stomach.
Treatment of abnormalities in the urine. For those who suffer the market warm feeling of pain during urination, onions can help alleviate the situation. Patients should drink boiled onions from 6 to 7 grams.
To help prevent cancer. Onions are rich in active compounds that may help prevent a successful evolution of the cancerous cells.
To help alleviate the symptoms of earache. Onions, a few drops of water can be argued that it helped provide great benefits for those suffering from acute earache . The sound of a buzzing noise in the ear can be treated by placing a piece of cotton, onions sauce into the ear.
According to information contained in the Peace Health magazine says onions are useful in treating various diseases of humans include: tumors, the symptoms of coughs and colds which occur almost continuously. Medicine experts regarded this type of plant is available medicines for self-treatment at home to relieve the situation of the disease signs of some patients. In that, it was also confirmed that the use of onions can help prevent stomach cancer and breast cancer.
Onions are rich in sulfur compounds. Medical studies have shown that these sulfur compounds are able to stop the chain of biochemical that can lead to a situation of asthma. French onion helps the virus is melted in patients suffering from severe cough. Fresh onion juice is said that it could put on unconscious patients to help them have a good force and energy recovery.