8 Foods Help Fight Breast Cancer

Subsequent research has shown that eating habits foods that provide health benefits can reduce the rate of new cases breast cancer around the world effectively. Let's try to put some food following the daily diet:

1. The mold: the results of a study published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer several years ago showed that increased consumption of mushrooms involving a lower risk of breast cancer among women in the process leading to menopause. The fungus was found to contain anti antioxidant called L-ergothioneine.

2. Soybean sprouts: tell loaded with sulforaphane. It's antioxidant compounds that researchers at the University of Mississippi, Michigan, United States claims to have the ability to destroy cells push the growth of the tumor.

3. Pomegranate: to break the teeth of rich pomegranate ellagic acid krasakrai acid compounds antioxidants have the ability to inhibit the enzyme promotes breast cancer. According to the Scientific Research Institute, Beckman said.

4. Walnuts: eating 60 grams a day can reduce the development of mammary tumors half . The researchers from the University of Marshall experiment found that omega -3 anti antioxidants and phytosterols that are in walnuts, may help slow the growth of cancer cells.

5. Leafy Spinach: Postmenopausal women who ate foods containing folate (rich in vegetables, Spinach) less risk of breast cancer 40 percent.

6. Eggs: Choline is the most important nutrient in eggs, egg yolks involved will help decrease the risk of breast cancer was 24 percent. According to the results of the research of America on women more than 3 billion people. Women need this junk 425 milligrams per day, similar to score the 3-4 goal.

7. Salmon Fish: the presence of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D, leading to fish salmon became an important food lowers breast cancer risk.

8. Bread made from rice Rai (Rye): A group of Finnish researchers found that eating bread made from grain can help prevent breast cancer. Key elements in this type of bread, such as vitamins, minerals and fiber Lignans acid Pytic. Check labels carefully because it could be confused with the bread made from wheat flour.

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