Drinking water during meals is the right choice?

A large number of people routinely performed illegal nature by trying to drink 1-2 glasses during meals, and there are many reasons for such actions.
According to the interpretation of Dr. Mantena Satyanarayana Raju the paranoia can produce negative effects on health, especially the stomach. Although the phase of digestion begins in the mouth, the dissolution is only 20-25 percent. The remaining food is the role of the stomach. While it (the food) into the stomach digestive enzymes and many gas is produced to digest food. Among the protein hydrochloric acid States the most important role, while other enzymes to complete this process. In addition, the same acid-minute kill bad bacteria remaining in the food. Normally, the stomach takes 2 hours to digest food. So drink water during meals can cause acid protein hydrochloric America's decline.

Dr Raju said that a number of consequences for the stomach (especially stomach problems), and the body are as follows:

1. The weak acid: energy stomach acid becomes weak and lead to loss of efficiency if the water mixed with food. A weak acid such can not digest food well. Then the stomach is forced to produce more acid in double. Such production over time they will become bad habits lead to heartburn and stomach ulcers. Selfishness must not forget the physical appearance, and internal organs.

2. The food into the stomach without going through a digestive phase 1: when they drink water during meals separated a small but it could not digest it, leading to metabolic processes take time. Moreover, the presence of water to the natural movement of the stomach more slowly than before. This is also one reason that causes the metabolism to take longer to double.

3. Weak stomachs: 2 glasses of water generally takes 15 minutes to mix into the blood. However, when they drink with food in the stomach until the meal is converting water metabolism. It can take 2-4 hours. So stomach weight, food and water for long periods such is surely weaken. Moreover, they will become spoiled, which is the reason why Perth.

4. Serious stomach condition: long-term stays in the stomach food and water become spoiled and then gas was also it became a tight. Stomach heavy emphasis on the lower part of the lungs and contraction of the lungs by 20% -30%. As a result, making breathing uncomfortable condition. The diaphragm (the muscle in the separator between the diaphragm and the bottom) is an integral part in the process of breathing pressure causes its movement is determined. The stomach muscles that help to breathe and lost the ability to contract out.

5. Cause drowsiness and vibration: oxygen, which absorbs a large number into the stomach and helps digestion food. As soon as the oxygen in the stomach cause drowsiness. While the food stays in the stomach longer lungs get less oxygen and then we feel anxiety, drowsiness and sickly. This is one reason that many people yawning straight after meals, while others slept on kitchen table with chairs.

The Indian researchers also found similar. They sip a little water during meals not cause any problems, but if you drink 1-2 glasses interfere with digestion. It's best if you drink fluids before or after meals 2 hours because the paranoia will help the body absorb nutrients well.

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