Why you should eat plenty of Pineapple

Everyone has a tubular tire, green, brown or yellow and has a head shaped like a crown of thorns and leaves old green. Meat vessels doldrums everyone's yellow and sweet and sour tastes shaped. The area near the bottom of the fruits are loaded with sugar, so just as it has a sweet taste and soft flesh.

Health benefits of pineapple include:

It makes you less risk of high blood pressure. Hypertension occurs when there is extreme pressure stresses on the walls of arteries when blood is running. A better way in the fight against this disease, you need to enter the amount of potassium along with sodium levels slightly into your diet to lower blood pressure. Everyone is really beneficial fruits for patients with high blood pressure, because in a glass of pineapple juice contains sodium About 1 mg of potassium and about 195 mg.

Help your weight loss. Eating fruit, people can reduce your sweet tastes of very high and because its naturally sweetened fruit everyone help you away from a lot of sugar, which will lead to calories. The inclusion of a lot of people use to your diet will also help you to lose weight because of pineapples can make you feel fuller without the fat gives you anything.
Keep your eyes healthy. Again and again, studies have found that pineapple protect against common eye problems related to your age because it contains anti-oxidant levels.

Because it is a source of vitamin C, pineapple can help you in the fight against many diseases. Pineapples is that it contains vitamin C, which can help protect the body from free radicals that damage healthy cells good. Containing free radicals in the body too much, then it leads to recurrence of the disease, such as: heart disease, diabetes and many other cancers. Vitamin C is considered an anti-oxidant that can be dissolved in water has a crucial role in the fight against substance that causes the disease in your body we. It is also a powerful protection against the flu and make the system has improved wonderfully.

To heal constipation and irregular bowel movements. Pineapple contains a lot of fiber, making it highly effective in treating constipation and irregular bowel movements.

Your skin is beautiful. Everyone contain enzymes that make skin elastic and moist skin, remove dead cells and damaged body . Therefore, just as it makes your skin and shine. Enzymes contained in this fruit can also help fight free radicals that damage the skin by creating a brand old wrinkles.

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